All WeAngels 101 Sessions

Access to all WeAngels 101 courses (9 total)

Do you want to become really knowledgable about angel investing? Then purchase tickets to attend all nine WeAngels 101 classes, at once.

With this deal, you'll not only gain access to the complete set of WeAngels modules, but you'll also save $200 versus purchasing the tickets one-at-a-time. (Tickets sell for $50 each)

Your ticket fee includes

  1. Food and drinks during the networking session

  2. WeAngels 101 mobile education app providing basic angel investment knowledge

  3. WeAngels 101 homework assignment

  4. Access to the slides and recording from the session

What is WeAngels 101?

WeAngels 101 is an educational program where less experienced investors can gain a better understanding of angel investment.

WeAngels 101 program is a 9-module education and discussion exercise. Each session is 90 minutes long. There are learning checkpoints and homework that should be completed outside of the discussions.

Who Should Attend WeAngels 101?

This is an education-only program that anyone who is interested in learning about how to think like an angel investor should attend. You do not need to be an accredited investor to participate. Participants are expected to complete learning modules or homework before the sessions.

The Full WeAngels 101 includes:

6/23 /2023 WeAngels 101 - Accredited Investor

7/14/2023 WeAngels 101 - Personal Preparation

7/21/2023 WeAngels 101 - Screening Investments

7/28/2023 WeAngels 101 - Investigating Opportunities

8/4/2023 WeAngels 101 - Diligence Research

8/11/2023 WeAngels 101- Sheets, Cap Tables

8/18/2023 WeAngels 101- Investment Decision-Making

8/25/2023 WeAngels 101 - Tracking Investments

9/1/2023 WeAngels 101 - Reverse Pitch


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